Dynamic reality for us, at Tec Solution, means not being limited to what is already on the market, but to research, study and develop useful solutions for those who work in the textile world and beyond, trying to meet the needs of customers, both for hardware development and software.
For today we implement:
ELECTRONIC BOARDS, developed using modern technology, are able to completely replace obsolete parts in old machines.
Auxiliary DEVICES:
Yarn sensor control unit; which allows the control of yarn sensors (max 16) in a single practical and compact solution that adapts to machines of all generations.
Device Test EV; an instrument that allows to check for air leaks related to each single solenoid valve and the correct operation of the EV module.
CABLES for Matec, Lonati, Santoni machines and for any other request as well. Custom made and / or according to scheme or sample, using quality material, with particular attention to polyurethane (anti-oil material par excellence) to ensure a longer service life.
BLUETOOTH TRANSMITTERS that connect PC and circular machines to manage programs and data without cables, used within a radius of 25 meters, supporting the operator and making production more flexible.